The mountains are calling and I must go. ~John Muir

Friday, April 20, 2012

Easter Weekend Exploring

The Saturday of Easter weekend we did indeed go hiking. We visited Evergreen Lake. A nice little lake hidden away in the foothills. Betsy brought along her trusty little monkey--hello little monkey, you are very cute! There were also lots and lots of geese and ducks and other little birdies.

For example, we met this goose. Hello little goose, you look very nice!

As we continued our walk, we noticed that suddenly Mr. Monkey was missing.  Do you see him, way back there in the distance?

Mommy bravely walked back to retrieve the monkey.  But you know what? That goose right there, he decided he really liked that monkey too. I cautiously waited for that goose to turn his back while Daddy laughed at me. So, I approached and that goose, he hissed at me, hissed LOUDLY and THREATENINGLY.

Fear not, Mommy was brave. 
And I reached down, took a quick picture, grabbed that monkey 
ran like the wind! 

Hooray! Mr. Monkey was rescued!

Not sure what this is all about. Maybe it keeps wild mean geese away from innocent unsuspecting monkeys. 

The water draws her in every time. She is her mommy's daughter. 

On the way home we drove by the Colorado Railroad Museum.  A cool place we'll have to visit another time, a lot less closer to nap time. It was especially cool because there were no geese in sight. 


  1. I hate geese.


    Love these pictures, though!

  2. Cool Trains. CHOO CHOO!!! I went fishing the other day and had to cut it short since the geese were EVERYWHERE and hissed and ran at me...too many eggs on the nest out there in the thickets for them to defend. Anyway I found your blog.... and your food blog....Bazinga... -J
